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Last Wednesday, 90 children who graduated from Elementary School 1 (age 10-12) in the schools of Usina Trapiche, with the support of 10 teachers, came to Recife in a celebratory trip. With the support of Catamaran Tours, they could glide through the calm waters of the Capibaribe river, crossing the three islands of Recife´s Old Town (Santo Antônio, Recife Antigo, and Boa Vista), going under its historical bridges and contemplating the beautiful scenery of Marco Zero Square, Ginásio Pernambucano, Assembleia Legislativa, Santa Isabel Theatre, and the houses from Rua da Aurora.

They had a lunch break in Mc Donald´s and proceeded to the Institute Ricardo Brennand, with its rich artistic and historical collections, belonging to Ricardo Coimbra de Almeida Brennand, Usina Trapiche´s previous owner. It was an honour to have been able to provide this trip to our students.

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